Our Land and Environment Goal is
“To protect and manage traditional lands and environment for the benefit of Eklutna people and our way of life; under Tribal Council guidance”
Management includes to understand, protect, restore, secure and enhance traditional lands, environment and uses while maintaining cultural integrity. The Tribal Council reserves its governing power and subject matter jurisdiction regarding official positions taken by the Tribe as part of its duty to act in the best interests of Native Village of Eklutna and the Tribal Membership.
Programs under Land and Environment:
For more information on each program, please click on the links below:
Tribal Transportation
Contaminated Sites Program
Indian General Assistance Program (IGAP)
Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP)
Environmental Education
NVE Land and Environment Department provides environmental education to the community free of charge. Education programs are broadcast through flyers, Facebook, and on the NVE Calendar.
Educational Fisheries Program
Natural Resource Culture Camp
Eklutna Tribal Land Trust
This tribal land trust was formed to implement NVE’s environmental mission using tools like conservation easements and mitigation land banking.
Eklutna River Assessments, Planning, and Restoration
NVE is working with partners on assessment, planning, and restoration of the Eklutna River. More information can be found on the Eklutna River page.
Eklutna Army Site Remediation
DoD used the Eklutna Army Site, in the woodlands behind Eklutna Village for housing, supply, vehicles maintenance, and storage from 1961 to 1971. NVE has assessed and removed impacts since 2005 with NALEMP funding. (Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program). More information on the Eklutna Army site can be found under the NVE Contaminated Sites page.
Mitigating Environmental Impact Projects
NVE seeks to minimize impacts to environmental and cultural resources by consulting with responsible federal agencies. Some consultation projects include: Cook Inlet petroleum industry projects, Knik Arm Crossing, Port of Anchorage Expansion, and Eagle River Flats extended shelling.
Environmental Education
The LE Department conducts frequent environmental education activities with the community. Many of our activities include cultural components.
Activities include the NVE educational fish net, traditional fish spear making, arrow head making, ochre paint making, and more. Kids learn recycling with the NVE recycling trailer, which accepts village recyclables.
Tribal Transportation
The NVE Tribal Transportation Department works on goals listed in the NVE Long Range Transportation Plan. We provide maintanence to parking lots and sidewalks in the village and work with local state and Municipal Departments of Transportation to communicate road construction and maintenance. We also provide ride services for the NVE clinic.
Land and Environment News
Trash bags for clean-ups are available all year from the LE office and may be requested by calling 907-688-8522. If you need assistance in cleaning up, Please contact the LE office at 907-688-8522
Upcoming Events
Please check back!
We are looking for stories of the Eklutna River and the surrounding area. Please consider sharing if you have a family story. Contact maria.nve@eklunta.us
The ETCD is asking for participation in helping us plan the garden/greenhouse. Please take this 5 minute survey to let us know what to grow.
The Educational Fish Net sign-ups are CLOSED for the season. They will be opening up on June 15th.
The 2023 educational fish net permit season dates are 7/1/2023-9/30/2023. This permit allows for the educational use of the net to teach youth how to set the net, process fish caught in the net, and how to repair the net. A copy of the NVE rules, area maps of the area permitted, and blank data sheets are below. These documents are fillable and printable.
- NVE Rules – an initialed and signed copy must be returned to the office before use of the net.
- Village Area Map
- Goose Bay side Map
- Data Sheet
- Incidental Sheet
Tide books can be found everywhere around Anchorage and the Valley. A pdf version can be also found here.
The 2024 NOAA Tide Table for Anchorage can be found here.
For more information on the fish net or to sign up for the net, please contact 688-6020 or 390-9003
2018 Educational Fish Net Newsletter Article
Contact Information:
Native Village of Eklutna
Land and Environment Department
26339 Eklutna Village Road
Chugiak, AK 99567
Office : (907) 688-8522
Fax: (907) 688-6021
Marc Lamoreaux
Land and Environment Director
Cell: (907) 242-6967
Cory Galvan
Land and Environment Coordinator
Cell: (907) 390-9003